Pam, Jon and the rest of the organising committee are now taking a well-deserved rest after their 26 hour marathon!
If you didn’t manage to get to the Alma this past weekend then we have uploaded a few videos of the event:
It is now nearly 12 years since Harwich International Shanty Festival held their first Shanty Marathon event and it remains a fond memory for many – in a masochistic sort of way!
The time is ripe for a second record breaking attempt.
There will be 26 hours of continuous shanties and sea songs in the Alma Inn Harwich starting 12.00 on Friday 28th April and ending 14.00 Saturday 29th April. Songs will be sung in shifts on a rota basis and no-one is expected to stay up for the entire 26 hours, unless of course they want to.
Insomniacs are of course particularly welcome!
This will be a fundraising venture for the Shanty Festival, but the emphasis is on FUNdraising with raffles, forfeits, spot prizes, shanty bingo and more to pass the time when not singing. Everyone is welcome, from large shanty crews to solo singers, with or without any previous shanty, or indeed singing experience.
The idea is to keep the singing going and last time brought in some interesting gems from folks who had never heard of shanties before. We will have words available if required. You do not have to register in advance to attend, although an indication of likely interest would be helpful and does not commit you in any way.
There are still rooms available in the Alma if required (https://emea.littlehotelier.com/properties/thealmainn ) and the bar will be open for the entire duration.
An added attraction is the Real Ale festival taking place over this weekend.
Contact info@harwichshantyfestival.co.uk for more information.