Other Festival Events

Aside from the music, many other events take place at our Festival. Below is a selection of some of the usual entertainment on offer. 
SB Victor Cruises

Cruises aboard Sailing Barge Victor are always one of our most popular events. A 90 minute cruise along one of our two rivers, accompanied by music and singing from some of our top artists. Book early to be sure of a place.


Inner State

Andy Andrews and Christine Bissell will be Inner State again at the Redoubt Fort on Saturday 12th, with their take on the Spanish Armada and along the Quayside on Sunday 13th. Queen Elizabeth I will be revisiting Harwich together with Sir Francis Drake. 500 years ago she thought Harwich “a very pretty town”. Let’s see if she’s still impressed!


Charlotte Oliver and Hannah Hill

Look out for these two bringing their exciting new Shadow Puppet Show “Cool Skool for Pirates” to the festival this year. Learn how to become a real pirate through, songs, actions and puppetry.


Kings German Artillery


The Kings German Artillery defend the Redoubt Fort, demonstrating musket drill and cannon firing and taking part in the odd skirmish with marauding pirates.


Pirates and Smugglers

Bands of pirates roam the town throughout the weekend. Look out for them on the beach and at the Redoubt Fort



We welcome back Kipperland in 2024. Visitors will be able to see demonstrations of splitting and smoking herrings, plus old photographs and text about an industry which once employed a quarter of the population. There will also of course be the opportunity to buy the finished, freshly smoked product, which are such a success that they sell out very quickly. Come to the Redoubt Fort and try a food which has health benefits second to none.


Andy Peters – Maritima Wood Carving
Andy Peters is a very welcome regular at the Festival, demonstrating his amazing skills at Figurehead carving. He has specialised in decorative Maritime carving for over 30 years, producing intricate and beautiful Figureheads, Nameboards, Trailboards and all things nautical. Watching a true craftsman at work is one of the highlights of the Festival.


Percussion Workshop with Jig Dolls  led by Martin Judkins & Corine Nugteren


In a 45 minute fun filled workshop Martin and Corine teach how to use the Jig Doll as a percussion instrument. Each doll creates sound by dancing to the beat of the music and provides entertainment with its appealing appearance and movements. A Jig Doll is suited to everyone, regardless of level of musical ability. All you need is to be able to tap to a beat or rhythm and the Jig Doll will do the rest! Jig Dolls will be provided.


Maritime Shows and Films


As always we have a wide ranging selection of interesting shows and films, all with a maritime theme. These include a study of the centuries old Oyster trade in Mersea, a close look at the trawling industry in Hull, original footage of life on board Tall Ships and more.


Rachel Richards Ropework 

Rachel will be joining us again at the Redoubt Fort with some of her beautiful rope craft



A wide range of workshops take place over the festival weekend. Playing the Bones is one of the most popular of these and will take place again this year. In addition we have a selection of musical and historical workshops. Full details will be in the printed Programme.


Walks & Talks

Ha'Penny Pier

Our Festival also features talks, walks and discussions plus guided tours of Harwich throughout the duration of the Festival. Harwich has a wealth of fascinating history to draw upon and these events cover many aspects of our towns past. Full details will be in our comprehensive Souvenir Programme.


Families and Children

There is plenty to interest all ages at the festival but for those arriving with children in tow be sure to check out the Redoubt Fort and new for this year, we have some Foreshore Foraging with Libby Scarfe and Cool Skool for Pirates Shadow Puppetry with Charlotte and Hannah.



Dovercourt Amateur Dramatic Society are joining us again this year and can be seen around the town throughout the Festival.