Coronation Capers

On Sunday 7th May 2023, a day after the King’s Coronation, the Harwich Shanty Festival committee gracefully put on Coronation Capers.

The day was very much an inclusive May Day festival and was opened by the Harwich Town Crier before a May Dance commenced.

A variety of musicians and dancers then made their way around the town of Harwich, calling at the Alma, Globe, New Bell & Stingray.

Some of the groups had also played on Ha’Penny Pier separately during the afternoon but they came together for a finale.

Coronation Capers on Harwich Green 2023

A Celebration of the Coronation of King Charles III

Programme for May 7th 2023

Harwich Green


Welcome by Harwich Town Crier

May Song – Staines Morris

National Anthem

Maypole Dances

Circassian Circle for everyone

May Song – Hail, Hail the First of May

Salute to King Charles

Farewell by Harwich Town Crier

1430-1630 Celebratory Music & Song around Historic Harwich

1700 Ha’Penny Pier Grand Finale All Groups