Christmas Murder Mystery
Alma Inn The Alma Inn, Kings Head Street, Harwich, Essex, United KingdomSave the Day & Solve the Crime! Many thanks to everyone who took part (13 teams!) If you didn't manage to attend but would like to make a donation of […]
Quiz Night
New Bell Inn Outpart Eastward, Harwich, Essex, United KingdomThe New Bell is hosting a quiz night in aid of the Shanty Festival.
Shanty Marathon
Alma Inn The Alma Inn, Kings Head Street, Harwich, Essex, United KingdomIt is now nearly 12 years since Harwich International Shanty Festival held their first Shanty Marathon event and it remains a fond memory for many – in a masochistic sort of way! The time is ripe for a second record breaking attempt. There will be 26 hours of continuous shanties and sea songs in the […]
Coronation Capers
Multiple venues Harwich, United KingdomCoronation Capers on Harwich Green 2023 A Celebration of the Coronation of King Charles III Programme for May 7th 2023 Harwich Green 1330-1430 Welcome by Harwich Town Crier May Song – Staines Morris National Anthem Maypole Dances Circassian Circle for everyone May Song – Hail, Hail the First of May Salute to King Charles Farewell […]
Quiz Night
Alma Inn The Alma Inn, Kings Head Street, Harwich, Essex, United KingdomThe Alma are hosting a quiz to raise funds for the Shanty Festival. Please get a team together!
New Bell Inn Outpart Eastward, Harwich, Essex, United KingdomJoin us on the Green opposite the New Bell Inn on Sunday 23rd July for this year Enjoy the shanties and buy cakes!