“One of the best things about living in ESSEX is going to the Harwich Shanty Festival”
“I have had an awesome weekend, thank you to everyone who came along and supported us you were amazing. What a lovely,if slightly bonkers, bunch we all are. Once again, thank you, have a safe year, see you same time, same place in 2015 xx love to all”
“Thanks to Cap’n Fitz & First Mate Fitz (decide for yourselves which Fitz is which), the Galley Slaves Jane & Mick, and all the volunteer crew who have been heavin’ & haulin’ all weekend – once again I have found songs, stories, friends, figureheads, mentors, and my own voice. Thanks to all the talented singers, songwriters and storytellers for doing what you do. Thanks to Harwich for being there…
I’m crossing the North Sea now, raising a glass to all of you, as well as our friends who were absent this year, looking forward to HISF 2015!”
“And now there’s music emanating from within – Hooray and up she rises…”