Shanty December Newsletter

Hi {name} 

Firstly we at HISF wish you all a very Happy Christmas and good wishes for an improved 2022. The December newsletter is following hot on the heels of the November issue because we have some important FUNdraising events to tell you about. Details of the first of these below:


Murder Mystery in Harwich

Oh No! There’s been a murder in our town. We know that the murderer is a well known historical Harwich character and the deed took place near a distinctive Harwich landmark, but what was the method of killing, who exactly did it and where?

We need teams of detectives to attend at the Alma Inn on 28th December between 12.00 and 1.00p.m. before they set off around the town to solve this mystery. Suitable for all the family, this suspenseful event replaces the usual Treasure Hunt, which has been rescheduled for April, following its success in that month earlier this year.

Entry is £5 per adult and £10 per family (maximum 2 adults per family) and tickets can be purchased on the day, or in advance via our website: where you will also find further details. See you there.


Photo Competition

We are also starting a photo competition today, with a closing date of 31st March next year. We want you to send us your photos of any HISF event. It doesn’t have to be just a photograph of shanty singers at the Festival, but has to represent the kind of things our Festival covers, so you could consider for example, our fundraising events, or perhaps the Redoubt events over the Shanty Weekend. Entries have to be at least 1MB quality and will be used to produce a Shanty Calendar for 2023, an item which we hope to reintroduce to our  merchandise stock. The winning photographers will of course receive a copy of the calendar and will be invited to our exclusive Friends Reception on the Friday afternoon of the next Festival. Please email your original images to


Dates for your Diary

Full details of other events will be announced nearer the time, but we have fixed dates for the following events in 2022 so you can make a diary note now.

Shanty Quiz at the Alma Inn 12th April

Annual Treasure Hunt, Alma Inn 17th April

Shanties and Cakes, on the Green outside New Bell Inn 1st May



Don’t forget, when buying your Christmas gifts, that we still have some T. Shirts, Hoodies, Bandanas and CDs left. Available from the Ha’Penny Pier Visitor Centre up until Christmas Eve, or by post via our website: 


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