October Newsletter

Just a few days to go now before the start of the 2022 Harwich International Shanty Festival. If you are in the area in the days leading up to the Festival we have a lot of historic attractions to visit in the old town of Harwich. Pick up a Maritime Trail leaflet from the Ha’Penny Pier Visitor Centre, follow the Mayflower Tour, look at the magnificent Church, Electric Palace and Guildhall. Visit the excellent Harwich Museum. Take a trip on the Harwich Harbour Ferry or go on a seal watching tour. Visit the LV18, the last surviving example of a manned light vessel in British waters. In fact you’ll definitely need to come for the week next year!



For those of you still searching for a place to stay, we know of a couple of centrally situated vacancies. Please contact us asap.


2022 Compilation CD

Our new CD has just arrived and will be available from the Ha’Penny Pier Visitor Centre from Sunday 2nd October. An excellent compilation featuring some great tracks from our visiting artists it’s a worthy addition to your collection Online orders from our site



We also have stock of 2022 T. Shirts, Breton Tops, Zip up Hoodies, Mugs, calendars, badges, bandanas, keyrings and more besides. Visit the Visitor Centre for all other merchandise


Ticket Sales

Please note that online ticket sales will cease at 7.00p.m. on 5th October, slightly earlier than advertised in our Programme. After that tickets will only be available from the aforesaid Visitor Centre when it opens the following morning.


Programme Changes

Do keep an eye on our website up to and including the Festival weekend. Notices of any changes to the Programme will be listed here: https://harwichshantyfestival.co.uk/programme-changes/  At the moment we have just three. The Barber Surgeon will not be appearing at the Redoubt this year. The Hog Eye Men will be singing and running a session at the Globe Inn on Friday 7th from 20.00. Les Barker is unable to appear and so Keith Donnelly will be taking his place at the Late Night Extra on Friday 7th at 22.30.


Busking spots

Introduction of these spots has been delayed for three years due to Covid disruption, but we are pleased to say that we are now able to go ahead with this. If you have been unable to attend as a booked artist, or just wish to sing more shanties please take a look at our website:  https://harwichshantyfestival.co.uk/busking-spots-2/ where you will find details, including a map.


Train strike

The planned industrial action on the railways means that sadly, our Shanty Trains, which were fully booked, have had to be cancelled. It also means that local visitors who might have used the train to facilitate a trip to one of our excellent pubs might now have to drive. Unfortunately this is beyond our control. 


Car Parking

Once again we are grateful to Trinity House for allowing visitors to the Festival to use their Car Park over the weekend. This is accessed from the top end of West Street.


Time & Tide Bell

Don’t forget the inauguration of the Harwich Time and Tide Bell takes place over our Festival weekend and features a specially written Shanty for the occasion. Come along to the Low Lighthouse just before 11.30 on Saturday morning


Any more news will be found on our website and our Social Media feeds in the days leading up to the Festival. Fingers crossed for good weather and we look forward to seeing you all there





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