Harwich International Sea Shanty Festival

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We're barely two months away from the 2017 Harwich Shanty Festival and the excitement is growing! We have just confirmed artists from the USA (Bob Walser) and from Russia (Men Overboard), check the website for details on all the artists. Bob will be running workshops as well as performing and brings a wealth of experience with him.

It is now confirmed that there will be a shuttle bus running  between Harwich and outlying areas of Dovercourt for the duration of the festival. The bus timetable will be in programme due out mid August. Also confirmed there will be a car park available in central Harwich over the festival weekend. Details in programme.

Our Green Token scheme with the Co-Op (thanks Diane!) raised £300 and we have another Green Token scheme running at the Dovercourt Asda Store, if you shop there please remember the tokens!

We had two recent fundraising events in Harwich, a Shanty Pub Crawl involving three of the local Shanty Groups and a Barn Dance. Together these raised £500! Many thanks to everyone involved, including the Skulking Loafers, Naze Shanty, Harwich Shanty and the Golden Rivets

The festival is being featured in the October edition of Sailing Today magazine (out beginning of Sept) and may appear in other publications!

image Supermarket Fundraising

The Green Token scheme with Asda in Dovercourt started in July and runs until September. So please, all you Asda shoppers, pop a green token into the Shanty Festival slot…

image Spoken Word Sessions

Time to get busy all you budding writers. John Kempster will be running another Spoken Word Session at this year's Festival. Pieces do not have to be original, but new maritime-related work is very much welcomed

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