September Shanty Newsletter

Hi {name}

Normally at this time of year we would be gearing up for the last few weeks of frantic preparation for the Festival. But, in this most bizarre of years, instead we are grappling with the latest Covid restrictions and wondering what the future will bring. However there are a few items to report for the September newsletter.

The “In Dry Dock” CD continues to sell well. If you don’t yet have your copy visit our wonderful website to purchase this very reasonably priced, excellent compilation CD. Or head down to the Visitor Centre on the Ha’Penny Pier in Harwich, where they have several items of Shanty merchandise in stock.

The cover of this CD (minus the 'watermark'!) is an original acrylic painting by talented local artist and shanty singer, Len Smith and the original artwork is up for Auction. We are inviting email bids for this painting, which measures approximately 2Ft square.  The closing date for bids is 15th December 2020 so you have plenty of time to bid for this great piece and to have it delivered in time for Christmas. Visit for details of how to bid. 

Of course September is the month the Pilgrims finally set sail for the New World on board the Harwich ship, the Mayflower. Whilst most of the celebrations for the 400th Anniversary of this historic voyage have been put on hold, there is a new video out on YouTube telling a little of the story and the part Harwich played. Limited visits to Christopher Jones house in Kings Head Street are now possible, so watch the video: 

And call in and see us sometime!



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