HISF Newsletter New Year 2022

Hi {name}

Firstly, we at HISF send everyone best wishes for the New Year. The world has been through some traumatic times these past two years, so let’s look forward with cautious optimism for a much improved 2022.


Murder Mystery Fundraiser

We are sorry that we had to take the decision to postpone our Murder Mystery Fundraiser. However the uncertainty surrounding the current Covid situation and understandable hesitancy over social situations meant that in the end we felt we had no choice. The Murder Mystery is however still ready to run and we hope to be able to reschedule this fun event in the not too distant future.



During December we have been thrilled to learn that HISF has won two awards. Tendring District Council has awarded us a Pride of Tendring Award and Festival founders Jon & Pam Fitzgerald will be attending an awards ceremony in February next year. And Ramsey and Dovercourt Crusaders group have awarded Jon & Pam their Kate Guilfoyle Memorial Shield which they will hold for one year. We are both humbled and grateful for this recognition and hope that the Festival may continue to play an important part in the life of Harwich town and its residents. 


East Anglian Festival Network Festival of the Year Poll

And here’s a chance to make it a hattrick of three awards. Voting is open for the EAFN Poll and all that is needed is a simple one click on their website: https://eafn.co.uk/annual-festivals-of-the-year-poll/ in order to vote. Of course we hope that you will vote for us but there are plenty of other festivals listed, so please take a look. 


Photo Competition

Don’t forget our Photo Competition. We are still looking for photos of any HISF event to make a Shanty Calendar ready for 2023. Please send your photos, 1MB quality or more, to info@harwichshantyfestival.co.uk . Subject matter can cover any Festival event and winners will receive a complimentary copy of the calendar as well as an invitation to our prestigious Friends Reception on the Friday of the 2022 Festival. Competition closes on 31st March so there’s plenty of time to submit your entries.



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