April Shanty Newsletter

Hi {name}

Our first event of 2021 is this weekend!


Treasure Hunt

We are all looking forward to what, for many people, will be the first event of the year in Harwich! Our Treasure Hunt takes place on Saturday 17th April between 12.00 and 16.00 starting and finishing at the Alma Inn in Kings Head Street. Start by collecting your cryptic clues from their new garden at No.26, where you can also enjoy a drink before setting off for your Socially Distanced Hunt in the old town. Return to the garden at the back of the main pub where your answers will be marked and you can again enjoy drinks and/or a meal whilst waiting for the results. Full details are on our website: https://harwichshantyfestival.co.uk/event/treasure2020/ where you can also buy your tickets in advance to be sure of a place. Hope to see as many of you as possible on the day!!



We are anxiously awaiting news of grant applications and were really hoping we might be able to bring you some news on this front in this month’s newsletter. However the wheels of officialdom move slowly and as yet we have nothing concrete to report. However we are hopeful that by next month there may be at least some good news for us, so that we are able to proceed with our Festival planning. Meanwhile keep your fingers crossed for us, support the fundraising Treasure Hunt and look out for news of another fundraiser very soon.


Longest Johns

Long time favourites at our Festival, the Longest Johns have bizarrely benefitted from this year in Lockdown as they have been “discovered” due to the current Tik Tok Shanty craze. Not only signing recording deals with Decca, they made it onto the hallowed space of Radio 4 on Monday 12th April. In case you missed this auspicious event you can listen again via our website: https://harwichshantyfestival.co.uk/longest-johns-on-radio-4/  We just hope they will feel able to visit us again here in Harwich following their rise to stardom!



A quick plug for the fact that we still have just a very few Cds left over from our 2019 Festival and from the year spent “In Dry Dock”. Visit https://harwichshantyfestival.co.uk/three-cds-in-stock/ to order.


Spoken Word


And finally our Spoken Word sessions, this year concentrating solely on a loose theme of the Mayflower, are sparking a lot of interest. If you or anyone you know is a budding writer then please visit our website https://harwichshantyfestival.co.uk/spoken-word-submissions/ for details about these.



We look forward to seeing you on Saturday!




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