March Shanty Newsletter

Hi {name}

Spring is finally here and the days are getting longer if not currently warmer. And as Lockdown restrictions gradually ease, we can begin to look forwards with some hope, to future events of all kinds.


Treasure Hunt

The first on the horizon for HISF is the postponed Annual Treasure Hunt, a popular event which normally takes place between Christmas and New Year. As promised in a previous Newsletter this can take place on the first Saturday after restrictions are eased in pubs. And so Saturday 17th April 2021 is the new date for our Treasure Hunt. It’s a walking tour of Old Harwich, with cryptic clues to solve and is becoming a hotly challenged event amongst several regulars. There are Picture clues for younger members of the family and prizes for winners and losers. The tour starts in the garden of the Lambards branch of the Alma and finishes in the Alma Inn back garden. Full details are on our  website and tickets can be purchased in advance or on the day. We hope to see as many of you as possible on the day and hope that this can be the first of a series of Summer events.

Calling all writers!

As mentioned in our last newsletter, our theme for 2021 is still the historic voyage of the Mayflower in 1620 and so we are appealing for all budding or established writers to contribute to our popular “Spoken Word” sessions with a piece about the Mayflower. This can be in any form you like, poem, prose, story and can be interpreted as you like. We also welcome readings of any existing work if you wish to take part in this way. With the Festival over six months away, there is plenty of time to plan so we hope that as many of you as possible will take part.

Submissions can be made directly on our website:


We have had a great response to our appeals for Stewards this year, but can always use more, so if you would like to help out in this way, mostly collecting money or officiating at concerts, then we would be very pleased to add you to our list of helpers. Please email if you are interested.


And a final reminder, there are just a few copies of our Mayflower, In Dry Dock and 2019 CD still in stock. Visit for further details or to order.






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