June Newsletter

Hi {name}

Hope everyone is feeling well, keeping safe and managing to survive Lockdown. With the postponement of our “Mayflower Festival” until 2021, there is not a huge amount of news to share. However we are still hopeful of a smaller event this October and will of course keep everyone posted as the year progresses. Meanwhile here are the updates for June.

Shanty Quiz

The closing date for our Shanty Quiz was May 31st and we are delighted to announce the winners as follows:

First Prize goes to Gillian Lemar-Collings, who wins a Season Ticket to the HISF 2021 Festival. Gillian helps to organise the Teign Maritime Shanty Festival down in Devon and the photo shows her at the Maritime Museum in Amsterdam, so I guess you can see she has a definite interest in all things nautical.

Second Prize goes to Pete Stockwell whom I sure you all recognise as a regular artist at our Festival and who is something of an expert on all things maritime, having won several of our Shanty Quizzes in the past. Pete wins a ticket to the Saturday evening concert in 2021.

Third Prize goes to Chris Roche, another regular at HISF, founder of The Shanty Crew and a Cape Horner with first- hand experience of sailing aboard many tall ships. Chris wins a copy of our “Harwich Ship” CD, re-released this year to commemorate the 400th Anniversary of the sailing of the Mayflower.

Congratulations to our winners and thanks to everyone who entered. We hope you had fun. Don’t forget that “The Harwich Ship” CD is available for sale by post for £5.00 plus £2.00p&p. Email us at info@harwichshantyfestival.co.uk if you would like to obtain a copy.

Alternatively, if you are local to Harwich, you will be able to pick up a copy from the Ha’Penny Pier Visitor Centre, which we are pleased to announce will be re-opening on June 15th. There you will once more be able to purchase other HISF merchandise, including T.Shirts and badges.

The latest edition of the popular magazine “Pirate Plunder” is also available from here, and in a few weeks’ time the Visitor Centre will also be stocking copies of another HISF CD currently under production. A kind of Greatest Hits compilation, this CD is being produced as a souvenir of our year in Lockdown and will feature tracks from past and present Artists. We hope to bring you more news about this next month.

The July newsletter will bring you more updates on the Festival but meanwhile keep an eye on Facebook, Twitter and our website, stay safe and enjoy the easing of Lockdown restrictions if you are able.


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