May Newsletter

Hi {name} 

Pirates are a popular feature of our Festival and there is now a new magazine out catering for all practising pirates and their fans. 

Pirate Plunder is a full colour affair with plenty of interesting articles and we now have several copies sent to us each quarter to distribute in the Harwich area. They retail at £2.00 so if you are interested please do get in touch


Mayflower 400

Many of you will know by now that 2020 is the 400th Anniversary of the Pilgrim Fathers voyage to America on board the Harwich ship the Mayflower. There are big celebrations planned with all the towns connected with this historic voyage and of course Harwich itself is planning some big events next year. The Shanty Festival is set to be one of the biggest ever and as part of the promotional events in the run up to 2020 we were invited to go and sing shanties on Liverpool Street Station on Wednesday 15th May.

With a replica Mayflower ship, some suitably dressed pilgrims and Harwich shanty singers, the turnout and representation at Liverpool Street was judged to be the best of all the large London stations on that day. So roll on 2020 and let’s see if Harwich can continue to wow them all!



We are thrilled that once again we have secured grants from both Harwich Town Council and Essex Community Foundation and sponsorship from Harwich Haven Authority.

This money helps us no end in the delivery of the Festival and we are grateful for the continuing support we receive from all of these bodies. The grant money from ECF will enable us to run some more of our popular workshops this year, including some work with schools and other community groups which we do in the run up to the Festival.

More news to come in June. Meanwhile keep an eye on Facebook and Twitter for any more updates



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