April Shanty News!

Hi {name} 

It's time for the April newsletter and already we are halfway through the Shanty year with only six months to go now until the 2019 Harwich International Shanty Festival.

Plus the fliers are just out and are in the process of being distributed locally as well as further afield. If you think you can help distribute any fliers in your area please let us know and we will send you a bundle.

Nearly all our artists are booked now and mostly up on the website, so do take a look to see who we have in store for you this year. There are just a few negotiations still taking place so keep checking as the last few are added.

We are thrilled to report that we have just received a grant from Harwich Town Council for 2019 and we are so pleased that the local council are very supportive of what we do. Their support makes a huge difference to our Festival, not only in monetary terms, but in knowing that they feel the Festival is a worthwhile event within the town.

We have a few dates coming up for promoting the Shanty Festival by singing at other events. The first of these is on Wednesday 15th May at Liverpool Street station where we will be regaling London commuters with shanties and fliers at an Essex and South Suffolk Community Rail Partnership day. If you are in the area come and say hello. Photos and report in the May newsletter, along with details of other upcoming special events.

Meanwhile enjoy the fantastic weather and all the Bank Holidays coming up!

Don't forget that Harwich Ale Trail starts on Thursday 2nd May and features many of the same venues as the Shanty Festival, indeed there may be some shanties eminating from the ale Trail venues over the course of the Mayday weekend!


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