Harwich Shanty Newsletter Nov 2018

Well it was quite a Festival and the committee, stewards and volunteers are now recovering and already well into the planning of next year’s event. For those of you who haven’t yet made a note, the dates are 11/12/13th October 2019.

Our Annual de-brief will be held on 24th November attended by all the committee, where we discuss how the Festival went, what problems there were and future direction. Rest assured that if you have provided feedback, positive or negative, we take note of all comments and discuss improvements if needed.

Meanwhile there is much to concentrate on this year. We had hoped to be able to order some more of our popular 2018 T-Shirts, but regretfully decided that the minimum order required was too large for us to be able to guarantee sales and so anyone who was unable to purchase will have to wait until 2019. Design for this is already underway but will be kept under wraps for a while yet.

However we have just produced some of our popular calendars and these are now on sale. Priced at £10 plus £2 p&p they are a step up from previous home produced efforts and have been professionally produced to a high standard. They may be purchased via our website: www.harwichshantyfestival.co.uk  or by post from 6, Golden Lion Lane, Harwich, Essex CO12 3NG. Please include postage of £2.00 and a return address! Thanks to our official photographer Paul Turvey for the photos, all taken at this year’s Festival. We also have a few badges and compilation CDs left. Badges are £1 and CDs are £10, but we have a special offer of a CD, badge and calendar for the combined price of £15 plus £2 p&p. And with Christmas coming, what better way to solve all your Christmas present dilemmas.

And talking of Christmas (sorry!) our popular Annual Treasure Hunt is coming up on Friday 28th December starting as usual at mid-day in the Alma. It’s a great way to fill the sometimes dead period between Christmas and New Year and there is stiff competition nowadays to win that cup!



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