June 2018 Newsletter

Hi {name} 

There's only four months to go!

Fliers are now out and about all through the local area and many have been posted out to friends and followers both at home and abroad. If you have not received a flier and would like to, or can help with distribution of a bundle, please email the festival on info@harwichshantyfestival.co.uk and we will make sure we send you out some. Thanks to all those who have already taken fliers for distribution as they go around the country to various folk/maritime/music events. 

Of course in with the fliers and the previous newsletter we have had to include a note about the new GDPR regulations. Please be assured that we keep your details secure and we do not share your information with anybody else. If you wish to unsubscribe at any time just let us know or click here to cancel.

A couple of fundraising events have been held over the last month.The fundraising Quiz at the Alma entitled “Yo Ho Ho and a Bottle of Rum” was a lot of fun as usual and raised £127.25 for funds

On May 7th the Naze Shanty Crew sang at Café on the Pier during the annual Harwich Ale Trail. We were able to give out many leaflets and raised a further £50 for funds.

Coming up, on Thursday 5th July, Les Corsaires de la Vesdres will be singing at the Pier on behalf of the Shanty Festival as they travel to a rival Shanty event! If you would like to sing during June or August please let us know.

We are pleased to announce that we have received funding from the Jerome Booth Charitable Fund, via Essex Community Foundation to run the popular Bones Workshops for schoolchildren that we ran at the Redoubt Fort last year. Once again participating children will be able to showcase their talents on board the Fishing Smack Excelsior on the Saturday morning of the Festival, so make sure you catch them then.

And finally, the badge making workshop, held at the New Bell Inn on 1st June produced 260 (standard-sized!) badges and a lot more hilarity! We sold some on the day and anyone wishing to be one up on the October Festival attendees can purchase one in advance for £1.00 plus £1.00 p&p from our website http://harwichshantyfestival.co.uk/merchandise-2018/ 

Keep looking at Facebook and Twitter for all our updates and shanty your way through the summer!


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