HISF Newsletter January 2024


Hi {name} 


Firstly a Happy New Year to everyone. January is a quiet time of year for most people, but we have been beavering away behind the scenes with preparations for our 2024 Festival.  Just in case you have not already made a note of the dates they are 11-13th October.


Treasure Hunt

Our fundraising Treasure Hunt took place just after Christmas on 30th December with a huge turnout for this popular annual event. We raised £250 towards the Festival, but more importantly both participants and organisers had a lot of fun. There were three winners in both adult and child categories. 1st prize for the adult team went to the “Mayflowers” with only one clue missed, 2nd was Andy & Maggie Schooler scoring 18/20 and joint 3rd were The Alexander Family and the Davis’s with Cath Offord, all scoring 17/20. Three joint winners in the children’s section with all 12 answers correct were Hazel Prosser, Adam Rudland and Alex Sandquest. Well done to all of those!



This is the time of year when we start booking Artists for our Festival and we have been inundated with enquiries. We have already booked some fantastic acts for this October, but if you have written in asking to appear and not yet received a reply we will try to get back to you as soon as possible. By all means send a reminder if you fear your email has gone astray, but please remember that it is not possible to book everybody. However we do endeavour to let you know even if you are unsuccessful so that you are not waiting in limbo for some kind of reply.



Despite the Visitor Centre being closed for the winter months we are still selling merchandise by post so visit https://store.harwichshantyfestival.co.uk/ to check out details of zipped hoodies, t. shirts, song books etc. 


Maritima Woodcarving

Those of you who follow us on Facebook (hopefully all of you) will have seen that Andy Peters who attends the Festival every year, was featured in the Daily Telegraph on 3rd January with an article about his talented and highly specialised work, carving figureheads. If you have not seen Andy at the Festival make sure you visit the Redoubt this year where you can see Andy at work and exhibits of some of his wonderful carving.


Unesco Convention for Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage

And a very exciting piece of news which came out just before Christmas is that Sea Shanties look set to be given protected status as part of English Heritage under the above scheme. This is obviously important news for all those who are concerned with preserving our cultural heritage. Members of the public will be invited to vote on some of the proposals so we will be updating you all as we hear more. Please do vote when you get the chance.


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