HISF November Newsletter 2023

Hi {name}

Well the 2023 Harwich International Shanty Festival finished close to 6 weeks ago now. And what a Festival it was! Feedback has been overwhelmingly positive and once again thousands of people flocked to our wonderful old town to enjoy some very special music, song and entertainment. But we feel the time has come to rein in the Festival a little before it runs away with us all. We are a small committee and Harwich is a small town. There is a fine line to be drawn before the Festival becomes too commercialised and the original feel of a cosy Community Festival is lost. This does not mean that next year we plummet into obscurity, but we intend to keep our core values in mind and endeavour to limit any further expansion. And so we have not spent the last 6 weeks resting on our laurels, but discussing the way forward. There have been some minor changes on the committee and re-arranging of tasks and we now look forward to planning for a fantastic festival in 2024.


Dare we mention that Christmas is coming! We still have plenty of Shanty merchandise available to satisfy all your gift needs. Mugs, CDs, Sweatshirts, T. Shirts and Songbooks. Visit https://store.harwichshantyfestival.co.uk/ and browse our online shop.


Graham, our much valued ShantyBus driver has decided to retire. If you know of anyone who might be willing to take on this role at the 2024 Festival please let us know. Further details from info@harwichshantyfestival.co.uk 

Fundraising Activities

In answer to several enquiries, we will be running a Treasure Hunt again this year on 30th December at the Alma Inn. Start the challenge anytime between 12.00 and 13.00 and return by 15.00 latest ready for prize giving at 16.00. This will be a mixture of cryptic clues for adults and picture clues for children. The very popular Murder Mystery held last year may well take place in February half term or Easter 2024, but time has run out for this year. So make a note in your diaries and we hope to see as many of you as possible on 30th December. 


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