HISF May Newsletter

Hi {name} 


El Pony Pisador

And firstly, the news you have all been waiting for! We are ready to release the list of this year’s HISF Artists. News will be going out on all of our social media channels and our website will show the complete list. We are thrilled to welcome back some old favourites and also look forward enormously to meeting new performers. Another exciting programme is already taking shape with an interesting set of workshops and talks, fascinating historical facts, the usual trains, boats and pub sessions and of course some splendid concerts. We have a first class mix of homegrown and overseas shanty crews bringing a variety of musical talents to this year's shanty weekend.


Shanty Marathon

Our shanty marathon was a roaring success with a huge turn out and support, raising over £750 . All those who attended enjoyed the event which was enlivened by raffles, spot prizes and light hearted forfeits. We gained considerable coverage on local radio, newspapers and social media and the general consensus of opinion was that we must do it again someday, but not too soon! We must thank everyone who contributed to this event in any way to help make it such a success.


Coronation Capers 

Hot on the heels of the marathon was our Coronation Capers event. This too was a huge success, again attracting a large audience and good publicity. It felt like an appropriate way to celebrate the Coronation of our new King and proved a popular addition to the Harwich programme of events. So popular in fact that there are calls to make it an annual event (the maypole dancing and musical entertainment, not assassination and Coronation of new Kings!) Thanks also to those who helped to make this occasion so successful.


Shanty Books

Our new shanty book went on sale at the end of April, just in time for the Shanty Marathon. This is now on sale at the Ha’Penny Pier Visitor Centre, the New Bell, the Harwich Museum and the Alma. Copies can also be purchased via our website: https://store.harwichshantyfestival.co.uk/product/shanty-songbook/ 



And finally for some very sad news. Since our last newsletter two members of our Shanty Community have died. Dave West formerly with Hog Eye Men passed away at the end of March. Our condolences to the crew. We were also shocked to learn of the sudden death of Richard Spong on 4th May. Charlotte and Spong have been tremendous supporters of the festival for many years and he will be sorely missed.



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