February Newsletter


Hi {name}



Booking continues apace for the 2023 Festival although we are unable as yet to publish details of all confirmed artists. We know there are still some Artists who are waiting to hear back from us and we apologise. We will reply to everyone as soon as we can. It’s still worth applying if you haven’t already. You may be just the performer(s) we are looking for! We are always on the lookout for new and original talent or new ideas so email us on info@harwichshnatyfdestival.co.uk if you have something to offer.



Our website is continually being updated, although by no means ready for the 2023 Festival yet. But one improvement we are making is to introduce a Merchandise “Store”. In practice this will make very little difference to anyone purchasing items, but from our point of view it streamlines things and makes life simpler. For a short period, online sales are on hold whilst this update takes place. Email the above address if you require anything urgently.


58 Ships

Many of you will now be familiar with our new project, investigating the histories of all ships built at Harwich Navyard. We would welcome more interested parties to contribute to this project in as large or as small a way as their time allows. An update on progress is being held at Harwich Museum on 25th February, 1400-1600. (Not 11th February as originally published). Please do come along and find out more.


Shanty Marathon

It’s full steam ahead now for our 2nd ever Shanty Marathon. Starting at 12.00p.m. 28th April and concluding at 14.00 29th April, we shall be singing non-stop shanties during this 26 hour period. We are raising funds for the Festival but expect this to be a fun event for all, with spot prizes, awards, forfeits, raffles and merchandise. Singing is in shifts and no-one is expected to stay awake for the whole 26 hours – unless they want to! Please do let us know if you hope to attend, but there is no advance registration as such and performers may just turn up and sing at any time during the event. There is still some accommodation left at the Alma for those who want to nip upstairs for a nap. Visit: https://www.almaharwich.co.uk/ to book, or ask us for a copy of our Accommodation List to find other places within Harwich.




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