May 2022 Newsletter

Hi {name}

It's a busy time of year for the Shanty Committee, booking Artists, producing merchandise, preparing the Programme and raising funds. Over the May Bank Holiday weekend we held another successful fundraising event.


This has become one of our most popular fundraising events and we were thrilled to raise just over £900 for the Festival. Thanks go to all those who ate cake (!) and all helpers in whatever capacity.


Shanty Sundays

Covid put a stop to these popular events which took place on the Ha’Penny Pier throughout the Summer months in 2019, but we are pleased to announce they can now be reinstated. This is a chance to showcase your talents, whilst promoting the Shanty Festival and yourselves on what is hopefully a sunny summer afternoon. Singing starts at 12.00 and you can continue until late afternoon if you wish. Just one group per month. Dates are May 15th, June 12th, July 10th, August 14th and September 11th. Please do contact us via if you would like to take part. We will furnish you with Shanty fliers and collecting pots and we hope you will have an enjoyable afternoon of singing in Historic Harwich town.


2023 Calendar

Thanks to all those who entered our Calendar competition. The 2023 HISF Calendar has now been produced and will be available from the Ha’Penny Pier Visitor Centre and via our website very soon. Winning entries were submitted by Alison Miller, James Medhurst, Paul Alston, Peter Brooker and Stuart Green. Congratulations go to them and they will all be receiving complimentary copies soon. We received a lot of interesting entries but unfortunately many were not of sufficient quality to reproduce in a large size. Entries needed to be a minimum of 1MB.


Artists for 2022

We have announced some of our 2022 Artists via Social Media and will be uploading all artists to the website as soon as possible. Please bear with us as we do this. It’s a mammoth task! And if you are a booked artist who has not yet sent us in a (very) short biography and photo, please do so as soon as possible so we can include you on the website.



The 2022 T-Shirts have arrived and are already proving extremely popular. They are available in a range of sizes and can be purchased from the Visitor Centre on the Ha’Penny Pier or via our website: whilst hoodies and bandanas are also available both online from the same link and at the Visitors Centre on the Pier. Please note that our 2022 badges and key rings are on sale only at Ha'Penny Pier. More merchandise expected soon.



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