February 2022

Hi {name}

Here at HISF plans are already well underway for the 2022 Festival [7-9 October] and we are currently in the process of booking artists to appear at our October Festival. Venues and activities are also being booked and we can confirm that Victor Cruises will be running again, the Shanty Train will run from Manningtree on Saturday 8th, the ShantyBus is booked and many of the Redoubt Fort attractions are also booked. More news as the year progresses.



In our last newsletter we told you of the unexpected but welcome news that the Festival has won two awards. We also urged you to vote in the poll run by East Anglian Festival Network and we are thrilled to announce that we also scooped the Best Festival in Essex award in that poll. So thanks to all those who voted for us. There is a reception in Clacton on 11th February for the Pride of Tendring Awards and TDC have been publicising the nominees on all of their Social Media. 


Photo Competition

As mentioned previously, we are running a photo competition to find photos for our 2023 Shanty Calendar. We have already received several entries but are still looking for more, so if you have any quirky or interesting photos connected with the Festival in any way, please do send them to info@harwichshantyfestival.co.uk The closing date is 31st March and winners will receive a copy of the calendar and an invitation to the Friends Reception on the Friday of the Festival. Entries should be a minimum of 1MB.



Don’t forget the Alma Quiz Night on 12th April will be run in aid of the Shanty Festival. The Alma always hosts a quiz with a difference and an entertaining night is guaranteed, so if you live anywhere close to Harwich make sure this event is in your diary and come along with a team. Another date for your diary is the Cake and Shanty event, which was hugely popular last year. This is being held on 1st May and what’s not to like (?) with two of the best things in the world at one event! Regretfully, our Murder Mystery event on 28th December had to be postponed at the last minute. We hope to run this sometime in the Spring, but do not have a date yet. More details on these and other events will be posted on all HISF outlets soon



And finally there is still some merchandise for sale, available to buy via our website https://harwichshantyfestival.co.uk/merchandise/ until the Ha’Penny Pier Visitor Centre opens again in the Spring. T-Shirts have been reduced to half price, with only Medium and XXL sizes left and we also have a few 2021 CDs. Hoodies and Bandanas also available.



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