March 2024 Shanty Newsletter

Hi {name}


Well it’s mid March and feels very Springlike so hopefully we can look forward to better days ahead! Planning continues apace for the 2024 Festival and the committee are kept busy with organisational tasks.



Booking of Artists is almost complete for this year, and we hope to publish a full list by the end of April. We have tried to respond to all those who applied but if you are still left hanging without a reply, apologies and by all means send a reminder. If you are booked to perform but have not yet sent us a photo and biography please do so soon as we need these to enter onto our website.


Jim Lawrence

Many of you will already have heard the sad news that local sailmaker and barge skipper Jim Lawrence died at the end of January at the age of 90. For many years Jim and his wife Pauline attended the Festival demonstrating the art of sailmaking and when this became too much Jim would still often pop in to sing, play or perhaps promote a book. Always a popular character, with a ready smile and great sense of humour Jim will be sadly missed. He has the distinction of being featured on the BBC’s Last Words obituary programme last week so if you didn’t hear it do take a listen:


Fundraising Events

Our popular Cake Sale with Shanties will be taking place this year on Sunday 26th May, starting around 10.00 a.m. As ever there will be a delicious array of cakes to purchase, some Shanty Merchandise and of course musical entertainment. More details will follow closer to the event, but be sure to put the date in your diary now. And the New Bell Quiz on Wednesday June 12th will be in aid of the Shanty Festival so please bring a team to support this event if you can.



Easter is just around the corner and that means that the Ha’Penny Pier Visitor Centre will be opening its doors again for the season. They always carry a good selection of our Festival Merchandise and we are hoping to have our 2024 Merchandise available before too long. Meanwhile visit our dedicated site for online sales.



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