HISF June Newsletter

Hi {name} 

Phew, made it! June newsletter written on the last day of June! Apologies for the delay, but life has been busy on the Festival front. We are busy preparing the Festival Programme which we hope to publish at the end of next month. A lot of work goes into the production of this Programme, but we are very excited about all the events we have planned for 2023. We have a great selection of talented Artists, some fascinating workshops, entertaining concerts, barge trips, train trips, street theatre, re-enactment and more. Our Social Media, newsletter and website will let you all know when the full Programme is available, so keep looking.


We have 2 fundraising events coming up. Firstly, a quiz at the Alma Inn on 4th July. Alma quizzes are always lively and good fun and all proceeds go to the Shanty Festival. Please do get a team together if you can.

And on 23rd July, we have our popular Cake’n’Shanty sale. This all day event features songs, shanties and music and of course home made cakes. Please do come along and sing a shanty if you can and donations of cakes are also very welcome. The event takes place from 11.00 on the small Green opposite the New Bell Inn. Home made cakes can be brought along to the Green from 1015 and shanty singers and musicians are welcome all day.

Shanty Books

A reminder that our second Shanty Book is now available for sale, both online: https://store.harwichshantyfestival.co.uk/product/shanty-songbook/ and at venues throughout the town. 2023 T-shirts are in the process of being ordered. Hopefully arriving next month.

A short newsletter this month, but look out for more news next month


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